Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Come on baby!

I'm still not even to my due date, what's my deal?! I'm just so antsy these days.

 39 Weeks Pregnant

Maybe I am antsy because everything that was supposed to happen in order for it to be "okay" to have Adrayn has happened....
Kids came, and left... all parents are back from abroad.... what's left to do now but wait?!

Sleeping seems to be getting better, and I'm more productive these days even with this big ol' belly.
Yesterday I scrubbed the nasty stairwell and gathered about a grocery bag full of my neighbors nasty dog's hair... I was just sick of the hallway smelling like wet, sick, dog. I think I'll save the bag-o-hair next time as a gift for them... maybe a big red bow would help in making the point.

After starting this morning with a 3 mile walk, tonight has turned into 'Baking with Amy' night. I have made blackberry oat bars from the yummy blackberries Robyn has supplied us, and am starting on banana bread. I am even dorky enough to pretend I have my own cooking show... yes, when left alone to my own devices I revert to my wild imagination.

I hope all of this work is nesting, and is inducing labor!!

Jeremy is at work tonight, and I guess a bunch of movie stars are in town shooting 'The Convincer' downtown (i.e. Billy Crudup, Greg Kinnear, Lea Thompson, and Alan Arkin). So hopefully I hear some fun news later!

Hope all is well, and I have something to report sooner than later!



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