Monday, November 23, 2009

I didn't ask.... but you did make me think

Arg... these pregnancy preachers are appearing out of the wood work lately...

"Get an epidural, you have to, don't be tough, no one can do it", "I hated being pregnant, no I wasn't ever sick, I just hated it", or "I had the most painful birth with 80 hours of labor"...
Seriously.. I am not asking these strangers for their opinions, why are they just assuming they can just shout them out at me?! I know what I can handle, and I know that I have certain goals in this birth plan. I am in love with being pregnant, and am in love with the baby that I am carrying on top of it.
I want every step to sink in, and marinate in my mind, as it all seems to be rushing by so quickly...

 Pregnant Lady | 24 weeks

I see all of my friend's children growing up so quickly around me, and I just want to hit the pause button! I just want Adrayn to be in my belly until I'm ready to let him go. I just want Adrayn to be a newborn baby until I'm done deeply inhaling his sweet scent.... these things just fly by so quickly.

Pregnant Lady | 25 weeks

I think back to when I was 19 and my niece Celeste was born... I remember taking a nap with her beside me, she must have been about 6 months old. I just remember slowly waking up to these HUGE gorgeous eyes staring back at me... so quiet, so gentle, just looking at my face as if to inspect every freckle and pore. Ahhh, and the smell, the smell of a baby... nothing can replace that smell. It's like a high...
These are the moments that are locked into memory, but have passed in time... it's hard to know that one day I will have the same memory of my little Adrayn...


(Celeste now: 11 years old)

I guess all one can do it just appreciate it all, stop and take it all in as often as possible, hold those specials moments close, treat the present as it is described... a gift, and hang on for the ride.

Mucho Love!


  1. It makes me happy seeing you filled with so much joy. I miss you, darling... It's hard to replace good girlfriends sometimes. So very happy that you're doing well and loving your belly...

  2. Ah yes time does fly - coming from a Mom of two almost one year olds!!! I've consciously lived in the moment and am convinced it's the reason why I don't have the "i miss" or the "i can't wait" problem :)

    I hated the pregnancy preachers!!! I got a ton of "you'll never be able to" this and that! Well don't worry Amy - they said I couldn't Attachment Parent twins and I do - they said I could breastfeed twins and 11 months later I still am.

    You go girl!
