Thursday, November 1, 2012

Oh NO!

If you know me even somewhat well, you should hopefully be aware that I am a pretty decent and loving person. I like to see the bright side of life and not dwell on the negatives for any longer than to just acknowledge them and shoo them out the door.
I have had my ups and downs in life... and I keep rolling just like most of you. I speak my mind when I don't agree, but usually try to appreciate that I must maintain an open mind in all instances.

I write this knowing that you may not hold the same values in life that I do, or even agree with mine, but to me, this is one of those instances that is close to my heart. I believe we are all created equal and I will ALWAYS vote for equality.

I am writing this as a human being... someone that expects you to live your life the way you choose and allow me the freedom to live my life the way I choose. We are not here very long in the grand scheme of it all, and I highly doubt our "earthly mission" is to judge others.
Please VOTE NO on the marriage amendment as well as NO to voter restriction this Tuesday, November 6th. Let's not limit someone's RIGHT to be who they are. You may not agree, but you have your life and your freedom, let's let every other human being be allowed the same. Let's be equal.


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