Monday, October 18, 2010

To my Sweetheart...

Dearest Love,

I remember writing you an email before Adrayn was born, and just wanted to send a post-chaos (new baby, new home, all those little stresses in life... haha)!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for being YOU!
You are one, if not the most determined person I know. When you think it, it happens.... you inspire me daily.

Now that our little one is here, loud and clear may I add, I can see more than ever the love that you have for your children... when Adrayn was a tiny little thing, you were so fragile with him. The first time you looked into his eyes said it all. You are a proud Papa.

I am very fortunate to share this beautiful life with you and our loving family. I appreciate every day, every moment we have together.

Our inside jokes, silly voices, early morning kisses, daily rituals that have made us, us. Then lastly, the undying attraction doesn't hurt either.

I write this as you are working out in the same room, unaware of the love I am feeling at this moment for you.
I turn around and still receive the same intense look of love that you gave me years ago. You are my heart. You are my love.

I know time changes things, but in our case I think the longer we marinate the more flavorful we become.
I also know that you LOVE food, so that reference was totally appropriate. :)

I love you sweetie pot-pie,
I love you my hard working man,
I love you for being the most amazing Papa,
I love you for loving me,

I love you Jeremy John Frandrup.

Mucho Love my sweet.

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