I was just remembering back to when I was so nervous to give birth... asking everyone's advice and waiting for the moment to meet you... my little boy.
Well, that day has come and gone.... along with
many more. I am now an official mama, your mama.
This hasn't been the easiest journey, but I wouldn't have it any other way. It all melts away when I wake up to your huge blue eyes and big toothless grin. Although it may not be toothless for long!
I wish I had more time to write to you, but I am just smitten with you... my little love, right now. I want to spend every waking moment just looking at you. What a dork your mama is!
I just find it amazing how one can think they give, but after having a child or being a parent; a whole new meaning appears. I am overjoyed when I have time to take a shower in a week... yes, I said week. My life has totally changed, but all for the better.
I love you Adrayn. I can wait to watch you grow as it is already happening, and too fast at that. Every day you show me something new. I am excited, and sad to see what tomorrow will bring, as I know it will just fly by as today has. Please don't grow up too fast.
Mama loves you.
Mucho Love!