Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Adrayn Love

Did you know today (3.26.14) is Epilepsy Awareness Day?

Here I am... Trying to holistically work with and hopefully heal my sons epilepsy. I would be more than open to medical marijuana, but it isn't legal here in MN... yet.

I am typically strong in dealing with this, but today something new happened. 
Adrayn had his first seizure while I was driving him and his sister to the grocery store. I was on the freeway when I saw (more so, heard) him start to go into one, and with no exits in sight, I was forced to watch in my rear view. Finally, I couldn't wait any longer as it is crucial for someone in a seizure to be on their side. I then pulled onto a median, ran back to the back seat, and turned him... embraced him... helplessly. My mind was racing... the freeway traffic zipped by... I was all alone... helpless.
Then again... for the first time, he had another seizure in the same day (9:45pm). I am so tired... So sad. I cannot see him like this anymore.

Honestly, My husband or I really don't want him to do the prescribed drugs.... they aren't guaranteed, and if you change your mind (like seizures don't stop, or get worse), you cannot easily take patients off, then they add MORE medications... and ALL of these prescriptions have major side effects... Some worse than others, but all no doubt hard on a little one's growing body. Not a great option. He is our baby, we want the best. Like any parent would. I am getting desperate at this point. 

I was truly hoping that Governor Mark Dayton would approve the bill (HF-1818) by now... It's a hot topic that is severely needed in MN, for not only my son, but many other kids and cancer patients. 

I am getting angry that this choice is up to a man (whom I hopefully don't regret voting for) that doesn't have to see his own child go through this... You are lucky Mr. Dayton... But don't  turn a blind eye on your people.

Please show your support of this bill (HF-1818) by passing this blog along to your friends. 
We can make this happen... It must happen... for Adrayn.... my son. 
I will always fight. Please join me.

Please send Gov. Mark Dayton an email regarding medical marijuana directly, here's the link.

Mucho Love,

Mama Dray