Monday, November 23, 2009

I didn't ask.... but you did make me think

Arg... these pregnancy preachers are appearing out of the wood work lately...

"Get an epidural, you have to, don't be tough, no one can do it", "I hated being pregnant, no I wasn't ever sick, I just hated it", or "I had the most painful birth with 80 hours of labor"...
Seriously.. I am not asking these strangers for their opinions, why are they just assuming they can just shout them out at me?! I know what I can handle, and I know that I have certain goals in this birth plan. I am in love with being pregnant, and am in love with the baby that I am carrying on top of it.
I want every step to sink in, and marinate in my mind, as it all seems to be rushing by so quickly...

 Pregnant Lady | 24 weeks

I see all of my friend's children growing up so quickly around me, and I just want to hit the pause button! I just want Adrayn to be in my belly until I'm ready to let him go. I just want Adrayn to be a newborn baby until I'm done deeply inhaling his sweet scent.... these things just fly by so quickly.

Pregnant Lady | 25 weeks

I think back to when I was 19 and my niece Celeste was born... I remember taking a nap with her beside me, she must have been about 6 months old. I just remember slowly waking up to these HUGE gorgeous eyes staring back at me... so quiet, so gentle, just looking at my face as if to inspect every freckle and pore. Ahhh, and the smell, the smell of a baby... nothing can replace that smell. It's like a high...
These are the moments that are locked into memory, but have passed in time... it's hard to know that one day I will have the same memory of my little Adrayn...


(Celeste now: 11 years old)

I guess all one can do it just appreciate it all, stop and take it all in as often as possible, hold those specials moments close, treat the present as it is described... a gift, and hang on for the ride.

Mucho Love!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Soon..... I will be able to have a Lavender Cosmo from Palomino (MUST try if you haven't!!!), and ALL the sushi I can manage to eat!!!

Ahhh.... sounds heavenly. I can't wait! Also, I know what kind of birthday cake I want next year!

I'm just having one of those craving days I guess! ;)

Mucho Love!

Monday, November 9, 2009

To my sweetheart...

Dearest Love,

I know things are about to change in our lives immensely, and I just wanted to take this time before all the chaos hits to let you know how much you mean to me.



I am so glad that I met you, almost 2 years ago now. I am fortunate to have such a talented and giving person in my life, and now the father of our soon-to-be son. I am very thankful when I wake up in the morning and see your beautiful hairy face next to me.

Thank you for rubbing my feet every night as I tell you about my day,  for caring so much about our little one that you cook healthy dinners for us in advance so that I don't have to, for being aware... you just seem to know when I am in dire need of a night out, or off, or in; for spooning me at 5:30 in the morning before I wake up for my long day at work, for arranging all the mortgage meetings and collaborations, and for every "I love you baby" that warms my heart.

I love your strong will (sometimes...) and your soft heart. You are a wonderful man that knows how to put a smile on my face!

I am truly one lucky girl that is completely worthy of such a wonderful man.

I know in times ahead that things will be difficult, and trying, but please know that I am always in your corner and believe in you. Know that I am your gal, and I've always been right here..

I love you dearly. Always and forever (said like Kip).
Mucho love, my sweet Jeremy.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Who is really blind here?

What an odd morning this one has been..

I was on my way to catch the light rail to head to work this morning at the butt crack of dawn. It's a bit creepy walking the 2.5 blocks in the early morning darkness.
On this particular morning I noticed a man. A blind man standing before the light rail tracks... the vibe that I immediately got was one of a lost puppy dog.

I was in a hurry, but I am who I am... so I did what I do. I stopped and asked him if he needed assistance. He said his name was Ernesto, and stated that he hadn't been to the light rail, and didn't know the drill. I then reached out and placed my arm around his and walked him up the ramp to the ticket purchase area. He proceeded to thank me and hand me his discounted ticket money (only .75 for someone with a disability) and I proceeded to purchase his ticket for him.
After some small talk about him heading off to some immigrant work program and the crappy economy he told me he would be back Wednesday and Friday this week. I told him I would assist him again if our paths crossed. He also said that he wanted to give me his number (I'm assuming only niceties, as I have no reason not to) and I stated "Too late, train is here" and the "ding, ding" approached.
This whole time I wasn't noticing the eyes on us... the quiet judging eyes. Once his train came, I lead him to his door then directed him by saying "At 3 o'clock is seating" and we were parted until further notice.
I then walked down the ramp to where I would catch my train heading the other direction... getting stares.... people were staring at me as if by assisting someone I was asking for AIDS or something?!
What's happened to us? All I see everywhere these days is H1N1 scare talk, and how to avoid people as much as possible. Texting (which is underlined in red as I type this because it's not a real word), Instant Messaging, Emailing, Facebook.... all these things are more of a mode of communication that our lips. I am totally guilty of this.. (as I blog)... It's just sad that when given the chance to actually be a human being, and show some tenderness to someone in need that people are not only distant, but actually look down upon it.

Ahhh okay, I will get off of my preaching stool now and let you all come to your own conclusions.
It's just amazing to me that some people have lost the "human" in them, and seem more like robots on the light rail. I can't wait until I don't have to be apart of the rush hour crowd anymore... the early mornings are scary, and it's not because of the dark.

Mucho Love!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

You put the treat in my trick!

Ahhhhh the cool air and smell of decaying leaves... I love this time of year!
So, I'm the kind of gal that likes to scare people, or at least make them laugh on Halloween with my costume.
Some years, I am something pretty, but lately I've had more of an urge to do the opposite... it's our one day a year to go bonkers as anything, why not be gross and scary... Pretty can be done any old time with make-up and a nice dress.

So this year I decided to be a dirty man with a beer belly, even though Jeremy and I were just dressing up for ourselves and taking the kids trick or treating. My intentions were good, but I came off looking more like a gay hunter man. Reasons this happened are: 1. I had James Bond (my dog) in my jacket since he was tiring from the walk, 2. I couldn't quite remember I was a man and kept using my female voice.
I actually got a "Whats up man" from some guy walking with his kid, and said "Hello" back in my female voice... I scared the life out of him!! If Halloween is about scaring... I sure did some scaring! I calmed the man by following up with "Don't I make a pretty man", after his chuckle I could sense a sigh of relief.


Jeremy did the kids make-up... and a WONDERFUL job at that!! He's amazing!! Look at these pictures!

Presley (Vampire)


Parker (Devil)


Group Picture

Papa's quick zombie make-up

Okay.... Now on to baby talk!

Pregnant Belly 21 Weeks (depending on who you ask.. Midwife or Ultrasound Tech)

All is well with the pregnancy. I have been very fortunate in not getting sick. My back is starting to ache a bit more as my stomach grows, and I now am working full time at this temp job so all the running around in heels and dress clothes isn't too comforting either.
Adrayn is moving like mad in my belly these days... can't slow him down.. he will be a handful when he's ready to see the world. Hope we're prepared!!

Oh yeah, we stopped at Target to check out the clearance Halloween goodies and got James Bond and outfit for next year... he will be a lil' hot dog! Can't wait, I'm sure I'll want to just eat him up!

Hope you all had a wonderful, and safe holiday...

Mucho Love!!